The Universe is infinite and eternal

The "Big Bang" theory is not even a science fiction, it's just a fiction, and is as believable as saying God created it all. 

"Big Bang": in the beginning, there is no time, there is no space, there is no matter, there is no energy, there is nothing. Suddenly, magically, small proton or so sized particle appears out of nothing, and of course into nothing, and of course this happened with no time, and no space for said particle to even exist within to begin with. Next, due to some unknown reason, without any other elements, or energy, or time, or space, said particle self explodes. Not a second before, not a second later. Just like that. Said "self" explosion somehow expands into "nothing", magically "creating" space and time for expansion. This one small particle, somehow explodes into all of the matter that will ever exist. This infinitely small particle of infinite density and mass, has many of the powers of the God, and is just as Unbelievable.

We prefer, the Universe has always existed, and is infinite and eternal, and big bangs, as well as small and medium bangs, happen all the time, throughout it. And thereby, the need for any "creation" is eliminated. Recycling of baryonic matter, but no creation.

The theory of the "Big Bang" is, in fact, religion masquerading as science, it is the Biblical story of Genesis, dressed up in the language of science. The theory of the "Big Bang" like the geocentric solar system is based on a "culture of faith" which can admit to no error and can broker no doubt or dissenting views. Doubt and dissent are not tolerated by the guardians of the “scientific” faith. To oppose the ​"Big Bang" is heresy. 

In 1927 Monsignor Georges Lemaître, a high ranking Catholic priest, published what became known as the theory of the ​"Big Bang". It was titled "A homogeneous Universe of constant mass and growing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extragalactic nebulae." Lemaître initially called his theory the 'hypothesis of the primeval atom" and described it as "the Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation." 

Lemaître's relativistic cosmology was based on the belief that the Universe was created from a "primeval atom" and that the radius of the Universe increased over time. Lemaître derivation antedated Hubble's formulation by two years. Even so, it became known as Hubble's law and provided the numerical value of the Hubble constant. Lemaître also proposed that the expansion of the Universe explains the redshift of galaxies following the "creation." 

Lemaître theory is now popularly known as the "Big Bang" a term sarcastically coined by Sir Fred Hoyle who dismissed Lemaître's ideas as ridiculous. Hoyle was not alone. Einstein rejected Lemaître to his face, saying that not all mathematics leads to correct theories and that "your physics is abominable" and your conclusions unjustifiable. 

The denunciation by Einstein should have been a death sentence. Monsignor Lemaître claimed to have based his theory on Einstein's theory of general relativity. Even though it is refuted by overwhelming scientific evidence Lemaître's theory of the ​"Big Bang" has become accepted dogma, primarily because it is backed by the scientific establishment. There is always that magic number of 97% of mainstream scientists who suppose to make any theory "believable". 

Be it "nothingness" "pure energy" or all the mass of the Universe bound in a totality of singularity, the foundations of the ​"Big Bang" theory completely collapse when we ask a few simple questions: Why did it explode? Why then and not before? From where did this pre-​"Big Bang" energy/mass originate? Is not the mass of a Universe compacted to atom size still a Universe?

The all-pervasive, but relatively cool cosmic background is described as evidence for expansion and the ​"Big Bang" which was supposed to be very hot. Because it has cooled, therefore, the radiation is exchanging and transferring heat as the Universe expands, with something very cold outside of the Universe. Wouldn't this "outside" become warmer? Yet, we are also told, there is no "outside" for this refutes the ​"Big Bang" expansion theories.

The background radiation supports the ​"Big Bang" only if we suspend the laws of physics. The cosmic radiation permeating the Universe (supposedly created by a superhot ​"Big Bang"), could have cooled only if it exchanged heat with something cold that was NOT created by the hot ​"Big Bang", and only if this cold-something exists outside the known Universe which is permeated by this radiation (a circle inside a circle). Conclusion: there was no ​"Big Bang". The "known Universe" is a fragment of the infinite and eternal whole.

The logic of "cooling" after a ​"Big Bang" defies the laws of physics, the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.

Cooling occurs only via conduction, radiation, convection, or a combination of these.

Expanding Universe? A reduction in density reduces conduction: heat transfer stops. Conduction cannot occur in a vacuum.

Convection & Radiation = Heat Transfer. Transfer to What, Where? To an area which is cool and not a part of the hot.

The ​"Big Bang" is a myth.

Because it is based on religion, the magical, supernatural theory of the ​"Big Bang" has been deified, and it is not to be questioned or criticized on pain of excommunication by the scientific establishment. However, it is the proponents of this theory who are the true heretics for they are guilty of the biggest fraud in the history of science. 

The matter exists in two states:
distributed (spacetime continuum) and localized (baryonic matter)

The spacetime continuum with viscoelastic properties, distributed mass and variable density permeates the entire Universe, makes up about 96% of its mass. All the galaxies, stars, planets and all other baryonic matter make up just about 4 percent of the Universe. 

Baryonic particles are made of localized volumes of spacetime continuum, which is perturbed in a vortex manner. Localization of a certain volume of the spacetime continuum forms a baryonic particle. In this localized volume, the spacetime continuum pulls towards the center of mass at the moment of mass formation - a gravitational field appears. 

The baryonic mass is surrounded by a certain volume of the deformed (stretched) spacetime continuum, the density of which is reduced in comparison with the density of the undeformed spacetime continuum. Thus, the deformation energy of the spacetime continuum by mass is negative. Then according to the law of conservation of energy, as the masses approach each other, the potential energy of the system decreases, passing into other types of energy. The elastic force of the stretched spacetime continuum tends to bring the masses closer together, which manifests itself as the force of gravity. 

There are short-lived, medium-lived and long-lived or stable baryonic particles. Single vortices of the spacetime continuum, as a rule, immediately disappear with the emission of energy in form of waves (in femtoseconds after formation). If a particle consists of several vortices (two for example), then these vortices can stabilize each other and the average-living particle (meson) lasts longer - picoseconds or microseconds. Then the particle transitions into another particle or several particles, usually short-lived. After several transformations, the particle disappears, and the energy is successively emitted in the form of several waves. Long-lived particles consist of three or more vortices (quarks), which firmly stabilize the entire structure of the particle. The lifetime of a particle can extend from milliseconds (hyperon) to minutes (neutron) and even billions of years (proton). In fact it is our belief protons have an eternal lifespan. 

The properties of spacetime continuum 

Fundamental properties of the spacetime continuum are elasticity, isomorphism, viscosity and density. Density should be understood as mass distributed in volume of space. Density is a function of the spacetime continuum's deformation potential. 

The spacetime continuum can be locally disturbed (deformed). Deformations can be static (time-invariant - static fields) and dynamic (time-varying - particles and waves). 

We believe that all of the known force interactions are carried out by static or dynamic deformations of the spacetime continuum. For example, gravitational and electrostatic interactions are based on a static elastic deformation of the spacetime continuum by masses and electric charges. We believe that the deformation potential of the spacetime continuum around a mass or a negative charge is negative, therefore the potential energy of the field of electron or the field of mass (gravity) is negative. The force of gravity, as well as the electric charge interaction force, is the elastic force of the spacetime continuum pressure. Uncompensated force appears in the case of a deformation potential difference due to disruption of the radial symmetry of the deformation region near a mass or a charge by another mass or charge. 

An example of dynamic deformations of the spacetime continuum are electromagnetic and magnetic fields. In our opinion, the magnetic field is a vortex deformation of the spacetime continuum, which is viscously pulled by a moving and rotating charge (electron). Due to the spacetime continuum's elasticity, periodic complex deformations of the spacetime continuum spreads in the form of elastic waves, also called electromagnetic waves.

One evidence that the spacetime continuum's density (mass distributed in space) and viscosity don't equal zero is the observation of a "shock wave occurrence" in front of rapidly moving massive stars. Another evidence of presence of the distributed spacetime continuum's mass is the recently discovered "Gravitational waves" that transfer momentum in the Universe in absence of the continuous ordinary matter capable of propagating such waves. 

Waves are periodic alternations of areas of compression and extension of the spacetime continuum, which propagate with the limiting speed of elastic interaction - C (speed of light). 

The speed of light is a variable even in vacuum (Einstein argued that it is a constant and he was wrong), it is proportional to the elasticity of the spacetime continuum and inversely proportional to the density of the spacetime continuum. Therefore, it increases near massive bodies (stars), because the spacetime continuum is strongly stretched near the surface of the star (gravitational well). On the contrary, inside dense bodies the spacetime continuum is compressed, so the speed of light decreases noticeably. 

Light is a wave. Photons do not exist. 

By the way, similar to supersonic (superelastic, shock) waves, superelastic superluminal waves can exist - for example, in a supernova explosion. 

Waves are electromagnetic, gravitational, relic (relic ultra-low-frequency radiation of the Universe - in fact, the oscillations of some giant volumes of the spacetime continuum relative to others - looks like a jelly shiver). 

Due to the viscosity of the spacetime continuum, which is small but not equal zero, the electromagnetic waves propagating in the Universe, including light, attenuate. This explains the Hubble effect - the "reddening" of the spectra of distant galaxies. Hubble himself first (1929) explained the effect by the Doppler effect that occurs when galaxies move away from the observer (which, by the way, contradicts Einstein's postulate that the speed of light propagation does not depend on the speed of the light source). Subsequently, Hubble abandoned his hypothesis. But the rest of the scientists did not, interpreting it to support the ​"Big Bang" theory. 

In the equation of state of vacuum (general theory of relativity), in order for the equations to allow a spatially homogeneous static solution, Einstein introduced the so-called λ constant which represented density. Einstein then abandoned it, then returned to it. The λ is now called the "cosmological constant" and there is no consensus on its meaning for the theory. We believe that this is the density of the spacetime continuum, which is not constant at all. The density of the spacetime continuum depends nonlinearly on its deformation potential. For example, the λ is 2 for gravitational interactions, 3 for electromagnetic interactions, 7 for nuclear interactions, and 9 for the birth and death of particles. Calculations show that the average density of the spacetime continuum inside the heliosphere is 0.72 x 10-9 kg / m3. (about a microgram per 1 cubic meter!) Measurements of the Voyager-2 spacecraft showed that at the boundary of the heliosphere (radius of about 14 billion km), the density of the spacetime continuum turned out to be even higher. 

Space travel 

The nonzero viscosity of the spacetime continuum and its sufficiently high density make it possible to use it as a support medium for spacecraft acceleration. We propose to capture a certain volume of the spacetime continuum, accelerate it and eject it in a certain direction. Since the spacetime continuum has a distributed mass, according to the law of conservation of momentum, the spacecraft will also receive acceleration in the opposite direction. Thus, the use of a spacetime continuum as a working medium will create thrust. Since the spacetime continuum permeates the Universe and its reserves are unlimited, it is possible to use it as a working medium for constant acceleration movement for as long as the electric power source is available. Nuclear reactor, solar power or any other adequate power source can serve as the source of energy.
If a manned spacecraft can continuously maintain a comfortable for the crew acceleration of 1 g, then it will reach the orbit of Mars in just a few days, the orbit of Jupiter in 2 weeks, the orbit of Saturn in 3 weeks. It will be possible to fly to the borders of the solar system in 3 months. 

The mass of the ship with a crew of 3 is tentatively estimated at 500-600 tons. It would require about 500 MW of electric power that can be provided by the nuclear reactor. Such spacecraft will generate enough thrust to take off from the Earth's surface.

AI-powered Astrodrive spacecraft will reach the stars.