Vehicles powered by various types of energy are well known and widely used. Air pollution by internal combustion engines is an enormous environmental problem. Ever-shrinking resources of fossil fuels worsen the problem at hand. 

Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity, in turn, do not have such problem. However, relatively low battery capacity, short service life, high cost and shortage of raw materials, as well as significant fire hazard of these batteries triggered a search for other types of fuel and methods to store energy aboard a vehicle.

One of the well-known sources of “clean” energy is hydrogen, since its oxidation with atmospheric oxygen produces only water. Moreover, the calorific value of hydrogen is extremely high - 141 MJ/kg.

Low cost of raw materials and production, widely available raw materials, as well as supply chain independence are the major factors in favor of the Volticell, comparing to the lithium-ion systems.

The specific energy content in the Volticell system is similar or better than in lithium-ion batteries. The specific hydrogen content is 50% lower than in our magnesium-based Hybricell system, but Volticell is a rechargeable battery that is charged directly in the car. Full charge time with a current of 320 A is 10 hours.